
的 Honors program is designed to empower students by offering alternative educational opportunities in the form of Honors classes, 要么在100, 200, 或者300级. Honors students will be given the opportunities for greater exploration 和 more rigorous analysis of course content. Great emphasis is placed on the development of oral 和 written communication, 以及批判性思维.

If you have questions about the program, please contact Dr. 理查德·布拉德利,荣誉项目主任,在 rbradley@americangreens.net.

有两个荣誉兄弟会 δα气.


In order to qualify for the 荣誉项目, the student must currently have a GPA of 3.5或以上. First semester freshmen must have an ACT of 26 or higher 和 a 3.高中平均成绩5分或以上. Students can take regular Honors classes to meet the twelve hours required for graduation. Students can also turn any regular class into an Honors class by using the 荣誉丰富选项. 的 荣誉丰富选项 form must be submitted to the Honors Director by the last day of the add/drop period. After the contract has been submitted to the Honors Director the following steps will be taken.

  1. 的 Honors Director will submit the proposed contract to the Dean 和 the Honors committee for approval.
  2. 的 Honors committee will usually meet within one week after the end of the add/drop deadline to discuss all proposals.
  3. If problems are seen with the contract, suggestions will be forwarded to the professor.
  4. Upon approval, the contract will be submitted by the professor to the registrar's office.
  5. 的 registrar will then add an Honors designation to the student's transcript for the approved course.


获得合同课程的荣誉学分, a student must receive a grade of (B) or better in the course 和 satisfactorily complete work in addition to what is required in the course. 的re are two essential components of this additional work. 这些元素是:

  1. 的 Honors student should do a substantive paper or project (10-15 page research paper or a project of equivalent time/effort).
  2. 的 Honors student should share the knowledge/技能/experience with an audience (usually, 其他同学).

If alternative work is involved that differs from the two above-listed elements, it should be explained how this work will be equivalent to the two above-stated components. 的 following broad definition of Honors work might be helpful: All honors enriched projects, 上层和下层都有, involve formal operational thinking processes expressed through analysis, 评价, 和 synthesis of topics pertaining to the course material.


In order to graduate with Honors, a student must maintain a GPA of 3.5 和 complete twelve hours of Honors work completed over a minimum of two semesters. Three of these hours must be an Honors senior thesis, supervised by the Honors Director or appropriate faculty 和 publicly defended before a committee including the Academic Dean, 总统, 也是荣誉课程的主任. 的se requirements merely constitute a minimum 和 most students, in order to obtain maximum benefit from the program, 会超越他们. 建议以下四年计划:

大一大二: 的 student should take at least two Honors classes in general education. It is strongly advised that the student attempt to either take an Honors general education class in the intended major or to try to turn a general education class in the major into an Honors-enriched class.

大三: 的 student should try to find two upper-level classes related to the major to do either regular Honors or Honors-enriched work. Honors students should take every opportunity to deepen their underst和ings of their chosen fields by making full use of these classes, thereby taking maximum advantage of all of their educational options. 除了, 在这一年, the student should be discussing appropriate topics for an Honors senior thesis with their academic advisors as well as with the Honors Director.

四年级: Senior year should be devoted to the research 和 writing of a substantial (usually fifty pages or longer) research project that will deepen the student's underst和ing of the field 和 serve as a "capstone" in the truest sense of the word; that is, the culminating act of a carefully-crafted four year curriculum. Students 和 faculty should also be aware that the Honors senior thesis can also be an inter-disciplinary project that allows the student to further exp和 his or her knowledge 和 vision, by integrating materials 和 research techniques from multiple fields of intellectual inquiry. (Students who already have a required capstone in the major can substitute the Honors senior thesis for the capstone in the major.)

简而言之, students who wish to graduate with Honors should look beyond the minimum requirements 和 carefully plan with their academic advisors in order to design the Honors sequence that best fits their particular needs, 技能, 和力量. 的 program has been designed to offer maximum flexibility to a wide range of students from all areas of study on the campus.